Just the two of us!

Just the two of us!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kaylee Bug

Kaylee Bug, were did it really start, by best friend Ashley called her that first if you really must know, but it fit her personality from the beginning, she really has been a little bug. Bugs the dog, bugs me, yet in a good way. Then one day on skype her grandfather (Nick's dad) started calling her Kaylee bug too! He never heard Ashley call her that, it was like it was all fitting to her. She's always looked good in red (even if no one wanted me to dress a baby in red) I did it anyhow, her skin color loves it so much. For her second Halloween she was a lady bug and Santa brought her a lady bug pillow for her second Christmas. Its weird how she is having second Halloween's and Christmas's, when she isn't even two yet. She thinks she is two,  terrible two! She has definitely been a bug today. Wanting what she wants or stopping her foot. I don't know where she learned that from. Its nice that she has a nickname that fits her little personality, or her big one! She hasn't quite found the girlly girl inside her yet, but I think she is turning into the very best little lady bug! I cannot wait till she like to get her hair done, or to go shopping with me. I Love her to pieces, and I hope she never flies away.

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